Sunday, 20 May 2012

Lesbian terms... What's your label?

Femme, Butch, Lipstick, Dyke, Baby dyke, Bull dyke, Diesel Dyke, Hasbian, Power dyke, Stone dyke, 100 Footer...

So many terms.... So many definitions... Are we suppose to just fit one? Are we suppose to blend into the stereotype of matching our Plaid with our kicks?
Lesbianism, its a trend and a lifestyle!

The first thing my mother asked me when I told her I was gay was,
"So are you the femme or the butch one?"
And it continues to be a favourite question or hers whenever I start seeing a new girl. So my answer? Well I'm not to sure, so maybe you can help me out with this....

The Femme:
By definition "A feminine lesbian" <--- Seems simple enough right? But these girls can also be known as the 'Lip stick lesbians' of the world. The girls who love their women, but also love their clothes, shoes, lipstick and make up!

The Butch:
The definition: "A women who adopts what is considered to be masculine characteristics" And this expands even further!!!
     The Bulldyke - The Dieseldyke - The Stonedyke - All these names representing the extreme version of the once offensive term 'dyke'....
And lets not forget about the 100 footers - The girls who you can tell are gay, even from a large distance...
"A 100 footer is a lesbian that you can see from a hundred feet away... Sounds like a subway sandwich... I think I'm like a 50 footer... Sometimes I'm like a hundred footer, if ya know, I'm butching it up and maybe like building a fence... They might be a hipster, they might be German... You know that game, gay or German" - Real L word Cast

So what about us ones in the middle... I certainly wouldn't call myself a femme... I don't wear make up or dresses.... But I don't think I'm a Bulldyke or a butch... So I'm thinking the term "Soft butch" fits quite well... Perhaps we are the 'chapstick' lesbians!

Maybe my lost identity in the palmy lesbian community is because I refuse to fit into the femme or butch stereotype... If you look around all the couples have one of each...
Genna and Laura

Nessa and Sarah

Teri and Tori
Now I know that I looooooveee the Femme looking girls. (Especially the girl I'm after at the moment, Laura's a stunner!) Nothing better than a girl with Long hair in a sexy dress am I right? But I don't wanna look like a boy!! Hell No! And so some how I end up with these butch ladies. Short hair, baggy pants, hoodies and Ties. Is it time I made a sacrifice? Maybe I need to re-invent myself? A leather jacket? Take a few fashion tips from Whitney Mixter or Kate Moennig? They seem to pull the girls!
Kate Moennig
Whitney Mixter
Or maybe its the hair... But I think that's another post altogether... 

So here's a picture of me... What do you think? Butch, Femme? Should I be getting a nice short hair cut and chucking on a leather jacket? Thoughts please people I need help!!
This Pics a little old... I now have dark brown hair

Your Legit,
Palmy Lesbian

1 comment:

  1. I hate labels myself. Looking at you, I think a leather jacket with a white tee shirt under would suit you very much.
