Sunday, 20 May 2012

Lesbian terms... What's your label?

Femme, Butch, Lipstick, Dyke, Baby dyke, Bull dyke, Diesel Dyke, Hasbian, Power dyke, Stone dyke, 100 Footer...

So many terms.... So many definitions... Are we suppose to just fit one? Are we suppose to blend into the stereotype of matching our Plaid with our kicks?
Lesbianism, its a trend and a lifestyle!

The first thing my mother asked me when I told her I was gay was,
"So are you the femme or the butch one?"
And it continues to be a favourite question or hers whenever I start seeing a new girl. So my answer? Well I'm not to sure, so maybe you can help me out with this....

The Femme:
By definition "A feminine lesbian" <--- Seems simple enough right? But these girls can also be known as the 'Lip stick lesbians' of the world. The girls who love their women, but also love their clothes, shoes, lipstick and make up!

The Butch:
The definition: "A women who adopts what is considered to be masculine characteristics" And this expands even further!!!
     The Bulldyke - The Dieseldyke - The Stonedyke - All these names representing the extreme version of the once offensive term 'dyke'....
And lets not forget about the 100 footers - The girls who you can tell are gay, even from a large distance...
"A 100 footer is a lesbian that you can see from a hundred feet away... Sounds like a subway sandwich... I think I'm like a 50 footer... Sometimes I'm like a hundred footer, if ya know, I'm butching it up and maybe like building a fence... They might be a hipster, they might be German... You know that game, gay or German" - Real L word Cast

So what about us ones in the middle... I certainly wouldn't call myself a femme... I don't wear make up or dresses.... But I don't think I'm a Bulldyke or a butch... So I'm thinking the term "Soft butch" fits quite well... Perhaps we are the 'chapstick' lesbians!

Maybe my lost identity in the palmy lesbian community is because I refuse to fit into the femme or butch stereotype... If you look around all the couples have one of each...
Genna and Laura

Nessa and Sarah

Teri and Tori
Now I know that I looooooveee the Femme looking girls. (Especially the girl I'm after at the moment, Laura's a stunner!) Nothing better than a girl with Long hair in a sexy dress am I right? But I don't wanna look like a boy!! Hell No! And so some how I end up with these butch ladies. Short hair, baggy pants, hoodies and Ties. Is it time I made a sacrifice? Maybe I need to re-invent myself? A leather jacket? Take a few fashion tips from Whitney Mixter or Kate Moennig? They seem to pull the girls!
Kate Moennig
Whitney Mixter
Or maybe its the hair... But I think that's another post altogether... 

So here's a picture of me... What do you think? Butch, Femme? Should I be getting a nice short hair cut and chucking on a leather jacket? Thoughts please people I need help!!
This Pics a little old... I now have dark brown hair

Your Legit,
Palmy Lesbian

Monday, 14 May 2012


Woah! Big news guys!
Have you ever heard of a band called Hunter Valentine?? 
If yes, Congrats you have FANTASTIC taste in music! 
If not then get your butt to google and LOOK THEM UP!!

Anyway the reason I bought your attention to this amazing band is that the lead singer Kiyomi and the band Hunter Valentine recently started following me on twitter :D
My flatmate didn't understand what I was screaming about though I imagine not many straight girls would. To be able to tell Kiyomi and Hunter Valentine how much there music means to me, and actually get a legit reply, saying "such kind words xo" BLEW MY MIND!!! To me she is a rock star! Living the dream on the other side of the world. Miles above anything I could ever be!! Hero? Idol? Even Goddess, if I was to push my description that far!!

Okay so in case you still have no idea who I'm talking about, here's a bit of a run down...
Hunter Valentine is an alternative rock band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Originally formed in 2004.
The band has had a couple of member changes, but currently there's Kiyomi McCloskey, Laura Petracca, Veronica Sanchez and Somer Binghamm. The band has a few well known albums, 'The impatient Romantic' and 'Lessons from the Late Night.' So here's a link to give you a bit of a taste of their talents

Kiyomi - Lead Vocals & Guitar
Somer - Keyboardist/Guitarist
Veronica - Bassist
Laura - Drums
Why is this band so important to me? Sure their musics great. The beats work well. The guitar riffs are awesome and the lyrics seem to match moments in my life exactly! But For me there's a deeper feeling in there. Girls who used talent to make something out of nothing. I'm sure they've put poured sweat, blood and tears in their music. And nothings more inspiring than determination! 
I picked up my guitar and electric bass again a few nights ago, and haven't put it down since!

Also on a side note you'll be able to check them out, strutting their stuff on Season Three of 'The Real L Word'

Your Legit,
Palmy Lesbian

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Clean Up!

12th May 2012
I guess this is quite a random post but I found it incredibly humorous when I cleaned out my draw the other day... The only thought that went running through my head... "Crikey I am such a stereotypical Lesbian"
So here's a little but of an insight into my world... The skeletons in my closet... Which is actually just junk in my bedside draw...
First up... My Wallet...
Boring way to start I know.... But being what I would call a 'soft butch' I don't really have much use for this anymore... all I need to carry is my eftpos card and ID... I just don't see how girls carry these chunky things around ALL THE TIME!!! And don't even get me started on handbags!! Pants have pockets for a reason ladies!! Cash and keys in one and Smokes and lighter in another... Which brings me on to my next item...
LIGHTERS! And this is just a few of my collection! Yes I am a smoker and this is the reason why I have a large collection of lighters... However an interesting point to note is I didn't start smoking until I met the Palmy Lesbian group... Out of 30+ ladies I would say at least 95% of them smoke! It's always handy to carry a lighter... Even before I started smoking I always had one on me... In my experience, lighting a girls cigarette is one hell of a pick line ;) The silver on there in the picture is my favourite... It's got a pretty girl and the word VIRGIN on it... But I think I'll save that explanation for another blog!
CONDOMS! Confused?! Don't be, cause these aren't your normal condoms! They are Gaybar Condoms! Now if you're a lesbian I know you have some of these hiding somewhere! Lets be honest, it's hard to go into any gaybar and not walk out with a couple of these in ya pocket. Most of them end up blown up stuck to the roof in my house.... Though once my flatmate got desperate and borrowed one! "Rip, Roll & Ride" and "Get it on" are the most common ones in New Zealand, but I'm sure there's plenty o other catchy phrases out there if you want to let me know them??
Next up is snackage! Lollies, Chocolate, fudge, fizzy, anything sweet. YUMMY! I'm slightly addicted to junk food... But mainly when I'm lonely... When you jump into bed at night and there's no one on the other side to cuddle and kiss (which happens a lot, since I'm single), you just need something to keep you company... In my case its food... I should be incredibly fat! But I'm not :D Lucky me!
Mixed CD-From an Ex... Cute isn't it? 
I kissed a girl - Katy Perry
My house - Kids of 88
Something in your mouth - Nickleback
On the floor - Jennifer Lopez
Give me everything - Pitbull
She was a sweetie... I just opened a chocolate bar... Emotional eating again! I'd like to say things ended well... We 'pretend' to be friends. Just so there isn't to much drama. We are 'polite' to each other... That's how I'd describe it... And yeah I kept the CD! It's a good memory, of happy times! Just like in those old school movies where the boy makes the girl a mix tape! Cute as fuck!
Headphones... Now these aren't such a lesbian thing. But they are my saviour! The late nights when my flatmate comes with her boyfriend... NOTHING is worse than hearing late night, drunken sex, am I right?? But as soon as I hear the door open, I pop these babies in and then there's nothing to worry about! Music makes the world go round. Punk, Rock, House, Hip-hop, Dub-step. No matter what your jam is, safe to say it brings you to life right? Feeling the beat through your soul! 
My Vinegar Hill Wristband! This one's from my first trip to Vinegar hill. The Gay New Years Party! People travel from everywhere in New Zealand! Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton, Even the odd South Islander makes an appearance. And it's in this spot, a river bed camping ground, just outside of Hunterville, where Gays, Lesbians, Bi, Trans and even a large number of straight people can party hard, live it and, and be themselves without being judged. A week long event, full of activities, partys, competitions and inter-city competition. And I have to be honest, it was the BEST New Years I have ever had!

So that's about it for the peculiar things in my draw. Hopefully it gave you a bit of an idea about who I am...

Your Legit
Palmy Lesbian

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Americas Stance on Gay Marriage

I'm from a small city of 80,000 people... In a small country, down the bottom of the world... You think Americans decisions, thoughts and opinions wouldn't have much effect down here... But today there was a celebration...

"What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?
And what kind of father might hate his daughter if she were gay?" - Pink 'Dear Mr President

These lyrics spoke loudly to the gay community when P!nk released the song 'Dear Mr President.' The feelings touched deep as finally the message was heard across the world. "Who are you President Bush to judge us.... We are people just like you... With pasts.... and futures... Just because we are gay... Doesn't mean we aren't human... Where are our equal rights?!"
But for years it has been the same... Presidents of the United States of America have not supported gay marriage! But today that all changed. Today President Obama broke out of that mold. Saying he approves of gay marriage!

"I had hesitated on gay marriage, in part because I always believed civil unions would be sufficient... But I have to tell you over the course of several years as I talk to friends and family and neighbors, members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed relationships... When I think about the soldiers, pilots and marines that are out fighting on my behalf, and yet feel constrained.... at a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go a head and affirm that i think same sex couples should be able to get married" - President Obama - President Obama's interview on Gay Marriage

As you may have guessed or seen that the internet EXPLODED with applaud for The President this afternoon with all sorts of celebrities logging in and posting to congratulate him on moving forward and into the future.

Obama, congratulations on being the first sitting President to support marriage equality. Feels like the future, and not the past. #NoFear
Thank you President  for your beautiful and brave words. I'm overwhelmed.
Pretty darn happy today. Thanks Mr President, for supporting the dignity of my family and so many others! 

However America still has a long way to go...
In fact only a few days ago on Wednesday the 9th of May North Carolina BANNED gay marriage! There are now 30 states in America that have laws banning gay marriage. And of course the outrage is building!
North Carolina. Your license plates should now read, "The Homophobic State." 

Good work, North Carolina. You're near destitute, and you just alienated a group of Americans with enormous disposable income.

well North Carolina, I see your discrimination and raise you THE PRESIDENT

But will this all change now that the President has shown his support? Is there a bright, more accepting future on the horizon for us? The LGBT community of the world?

Your Legit,
Palmy Lesbian 

Sunday, 6 May 2012

I am Palmy Lesbian

More action than a round about. More scandal than The L Word. More Drama than Jersey Shore

Welcome to the scandalous life of, yes you guessed it. Palmy Lesbians.
I'm here to deal out the gossip and keep you filled in with whats happening.
Who's doing who?
Who's cheating on who?
Where the parties are at?
Want to join in? But I do warn you, lesbians love fresh meat!
Follow me on twitter, tumblr and youtube aswell!!

As for my identity, well that will remain a secret for now. But I can tell you this. I'm close with these girls. They are my friends. But they ARE TROUBLE! Everything I post on here is the TRUTH!  

Let the games begin. The Real L word is no match for us!